16 research outputs found

    Documenting Collections of Bulgarian Museums. Framing a CIDOC-based Ontological Presentation

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    Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2014The paper offers short analytic survey and comparison between the standard for description of cultural objects, CIDOC-CRM (ISO 21127:2006) and museum passports, inventory books and files, all of which are used in documenting museum artifacts in Bulgaria since 50-s. Three different field-sets have been explored. The fields in use are more than 100. Several case studies and good practices which use CIDOC-CRM, CRMdig, SPECTRUM, LIDO and EDM are shown. The result from their comparison with Bulgarian practices is presented in a table, where 25 fields, taken from Bulgarian passports are listed with respect to three factors: (1) metadata type they are representing, (structural, administrative or descriptive), (2) their corresponding category/class as found in (2) CIDOC-CRM and in (3) EDM. The author is using this correspondence frame for creating a CIDOC-CRM-based referent ontology for description of Bulgarian museum artefacts. A detailed model, based on this frame will be created, with terminology thesaurus attached.Association for the Development of the Information Society, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski

    FAIR принципи за дигитални хранилища: Същност и приложимост към обекти на културното наследство

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    Появата на инициативата FAIR през 2016 г. се базира на нуждата от добро управление на разнородни данни, и подобряване на функционалностите на дигиталните хранилища и е-инфраструктури. Целта е насърчаване на повторната употреба на (научни) данни, нужда осъзнавана както от академични среди, индустрия, финансиращи агенции, така и от институциите на паметта. Настоящият текст разглежда същността на FAIR принципите, технологиите на които се базират, понятието FAIR цифров обект, FAIR екосистема и постоянните идентификатори, възможно решение на казуса с изображенията в научните публикации и в музейните дигитални хранилища чрез International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), и всичко това през фокуса български институции на паметта да ги включат във визията за своето дигитално бъдеще.The emergence of the FAIR initiative in 2016 is based on the need for good management of disparate data, and improving the functionality of digital repositories and e-infrastructures. The aim is to promote the re-use of (scientific) data, a need recognized by academia, industry, funding agencies and memory institutions. This paper discusses the nature of the FAIR principles, its` technologies, the concept of FAIR digital object, FAIR ecosystem and persistent identifiers, a possible solution to the images-publication in scientific publications and in museum digital repositories through the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), and all these through the focus of possible digital vision of the Bulgarian memory institutions

    Dijital Sergiler ve Anahtar Resim Ontolojisi

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    The Age of Image predates and is currently contemporaneous with the Information Age. In our times the explosive expansion of Web 2.0 Social Space, typified by the phenomena of De.licio.us, Flickr, MySpace, YouTube…, and the concomitant emergence of folksonomy, present interesting challenges in the management of this information. One key process by which to accomplish this in Social Space, is the wedding of folksonomy (of the people) with ontology (of the machine). Such a wedding must necessarily be conducted in the shared physicality of the word, of language. In this respect, WordNet together with OWL, play the role of matchmaker. But the same Social Space also provides an opportunity for natural folksonomical tagging by digiFoto (key)image. The research harness for experimental keyimage tagging consists of Flickr as the main (digiFoto image) Social Space testbed and De.licio.us as the auxillary outreach secondary Social Space. Protégé Editor with OWL-DL provides the support for the bridge from keyimage to the formal ontology. The primary end user application domain is the keyimage tagging of paintings in an online art gallery.Görüntü Çağı, Bilgi Çağından önce gelir ve günümüzde Bilgi Çağıyla çağdaştır. De.licio.us, Flickr, MySpace, YouTube. . . gibi olgularla örneklenen Web 2.0 Sosyal Uzayının tahminlerin ötesinde büyümesi ve bununla birlikte ortaya çıkan etiketleme bilgi yönetiminde ilginç gelişmelere sahne olmaktadır. Sosyal Uzayda bilgi yönetimini başarmak (insanlar tarafından gerçekleştirilen) etiketleme ve (makineler tarafından gerçekleştirilen) ontolojinin birleştirilmesini gerektirmektedir. Böyle bir birleştirme mutlaka sözün ve dilin ortak fizikselliğiyle gerçekleştirilmelidir. Bu hususta Web Ontoloji Dili1 (OWL) ile WordNet çöpçatan rolü oynarlar. Öte yandan aynı Sosyal Uzay dijiFoto (anahtar) resimle doğal folksonomik işaretleme yapmak için de bir fırsat sağlar. Deneysel anahtar resim işaretlemesi yapmak için kullanılan araştırma araçları ana (dijiFoto görüntü) Sosyal Uzay sınama ortamı olan Flickr ile yardımcı ikincil Sosyal Uzay sınama ortamı olan De.licio.us’dan oluşmaktadır. OWL-DL (OWL Betimleme Mantığı) ile Protégé Editor anahtar resimden biçimsel (formal) ontolojiye köprü kurmak için destek sağlar. Başlıca son kullanıcı uygulama alanı bir çevrimiçi sanat galerisindeki tabloların anahtar resim işaretlemesidir

    Digital Accessibility and Immersive Storytelling for Cultural Heritage

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    In history science as well as in the GLAM sector the fact is not experience, and the content is more than its` (digital) packaging. In this respect immersive storytelling as principle, methodology, apps and tools becomes important instrument for institutionalized heritage, if used appropriately. The paper focuses on defining what means and what requires appropriate and digitally accessible use of digitally presented heritage objects. Good practices for immersive user experiences are being shown, digital accessibility principles and standards are presented. Resuming, main rules for construction of technology-balanced and accessible digital storytelling are being formulated

    Технологичен и правен аспект при дигитализация на движини културни ценности. Авторско право и интелектуална собственост

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    Статията представя цикъла на дигитализацията на обекти на културното наследство (движими културни ценности, съхранявани в музеи и галерии) с нейните основни три етапа: подготовка, конверсия и достъп. Фокусът се поставя върху технологичния аспект, подготовката на музейния екип и ползваните стандарти. Успоредно се разглежда правната рамка на дигитализацията като сериозна, национално специфична и рядко представяна тема, свързана с авторското право и интелектуалната собственост върху оригинала и дигиталния му дериват.The article presents the cycle of digitization of cultural heritage objects (movable cultural values stored in museums and galleries) with its three main stages: preparation, conversion and access. The focus is on the technological aspect, the preparation of the museum team and the standards used. In parallel, the legal framework of digitization is viewed as a serious, nationally specific and rarely presented topic related to copyright and intellectual property over the original and its digital derivative

    Access to Digital Cultural Heritage: Innovative Applications of Automated Metadata Generation Chapter 1: Digitization of Cultural Heritage – Standards, Institutions, Initiatives

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    The first chapter "Digitization of Cultural Heritage – Standards, Institutions, Initiatives" provides an introduction to the area of digitisation. The main pillars of process of creating, preserving and accessing of cultural heritage in digital space are observed. The importance of metadata in the process of accessing to information is outlined. The metadata schemas and standards used in cultural heritage are discussed. In order to reach digital objects in virtual space they are organized in digital libraries. Contemporary digital libraries are trying to deliver richer and better functionality, which usually is user oriented and depending on current IT trend. Additionally, the chapter is focused on some initiatives on world and European level that during the years enforce the process of digitization and organizing digital objects in the cultural heritage domain. In recent years, the main focus in the creation of digital resources shifts from "system-centred" to "user-centred" since most of the issues around this content are related to making it accessible and usable for the real users. So, the user studies and involving the users on early stages of design and planning the functionality of the product which is being developed stands on leading position

    Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности: проучване, методология, анализ на достъпност

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    Разработката представя основна част от работата на екипа от учени по проект №КП-06-Н42/4 към ФНИ за проучване и подобряване на онлайн достъпността за хора с увреждания. Изследването цели да подпомогне достъпността за хората със силно или напълно изгубено зрение, както и разбирането на проблемите, с които те се сблъскват, и начините за преодоляването им, така че да може да се систематизират и изградят ефективни похвати, критерии и методология за анализ, оценка и подобряване на дигиталното представяне на информация. Предложени са методология и критерии за анализ и тестване, приложени на над 100 сайта и документи, развивани и подобрявани по време на проекта. Разгледани и тествани са и софтуери. Представени са и примери за подобряване на дигиталното представяне на информация онлайн към хора с нарушено зрение, включително сайт с достъпност и QR кодове, обучителен сайт и система със подходящо дигитално представяне и кодиране на информацията.The paper presents a major part of the research work of a team of scientists under project No. KP-06-Н42/4, funded by the National Institute for Scientific Research, concerning the analysis, evaluation, and improvement of digital accessibility for people with disabilities. The research aims to support accessibility for people with severe or total vision loss, as well as understanding the problems they face, and the ways to overcome them. This includes offering a methodology for assessment, analysis and evaluation of accessibility tested on more than 100 sites and documents. Software programmes were also reviewed for accessibility. The paper also includes examples offering more adequate digital presentations of information to people with disabilities. Examples include a site with accessibility and QR codes, a training site and a system with appropriate digital representation and encoding of information.Изследването е частично финансирано по проект „Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности: методология, концептуални модели и иновативни екосистеми“ чрез договор No КП-06-Н42/4 от 08.12.2020 г. с фонд „Научни изследвания“ на Република България

    The Digital Exhibition and Keyimage Ontology

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    The Age of Image predates and is currently contemporaneous with the Information Age. In our times the explosive expansion of Web 2.0 Social Space, typified by the phenomena of De.licio.us, Flickr, MySpace, YouTube…, and the concomitant emergence of folksonomy, present interesting challenges in the management of this information. One key process by which to accomplish this in Social Space, is the wedding of folksonomy (of the people) with ontology (of the machine). Such a wedding must necessarily be conducted in the shared physicality of the word, of language. In this respect, WordNet together with OWL, play the role of matchmaker. But the same Social Space also provides an opportunity for natural folksonomical tagging by digiFoto (key)image. The research harness for experimental keyimage tagging consists of Flickr as the main (digiFoto image) Social Space testbed and De.licio.us as the auxillary outreach secondary Social Space. Protégé Editor with OWL-DL provides the support for the bridge from keyimage to the formal ontology. The primary end user application domain is the keyimage tagging of paintings in an online art gallery

    Information Management of the Institutionalized Heritage

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    Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, June, 2018This article observes information management of contemporary museum through prism of curator, technology and development of Internet. The Digitital cultural heritage is presented as dynamic construct, which is supposed to change constantly according institutional policy, network society requirements, and according expectations of the visitor – real and virtual one. Semantic web technologies, WEB 3.0, developing services of WEB 4.0 – the web of intelligent agents, smart culture, smart cities – are entering quickly into conservative world of institutionalized heritage. The terminology of business models as information management instrument comes in operation of Bulgarian museums, libraries, and “chitalishta” (specific kind of community centers). The text is focused on several core factors in management process, in cataloguing and exposition actions in a museum, which would improve the quality of the contact with the visitor and would create new audiences.Association for the Development of the Information Society, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski

    Bualgarian Academy of Science)

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    Abstract. Cultural heritage has to be preserved for the future generations. This often repeated need seems obvious for every educated and self-respected citizen of our unifying world. But we are not born as “man of culture (civilization)”. We are Homo Culturalis “in becoming”, which means “in constant educational process”. One of the most actual questions, staying in front of the educational institutions and cultural heritage holders in digital age, is how more efficiently the historical heritage of human thought and actions to be made known for widest audience possible. The accent is put on searching new tools for this, tools, which have to provide not only content, but joy. Attractiveness is of importance especially for young generation, whose literacy level is decreasing progressively. Edutainment games (combination between education and entertainment), which have been becoming popular in Europe, could be good tool for such a goal. These games were born in big competition with most popular recently “fun and cruel ” games. They combine two functions: entertainment and education, from which the definition of ‘edutainment games ’ is obtained. Through this good combination Information Technology strikes the mass culture of illiteration and serves for popularization of collections of libraries, archives and museums. Edutainment games are 'the fruit ' of scientific and industrial search for bigger patterns of understanding, so that one can 'see ' and use all th